Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How to tell if a girl likes you

How to tell if a girl likes you

Now being female you’d think I’d have a pretty good take on this one wouldn’t you! Well I do and I don’t. Women can come across as sweet innocent and vulnerable when in reality they might be lean mean manipulating machines! Game players extraordinaire , and therein the problem lies. While some women may show classic signs of being in love, such as being very clingy and bombarding you with an endless stream of texts/emails and phone calls, there are others who play a much more cunning game and will do the exact opposite of what you might expect from someone who is interested in you.
The game may involve, NOT being available for you, not chasing and not accommodating your every whim. This game is supposed to make it more of chase for you and thus men being men, will be more interested if there is a chase rather than it being handed to them on a plate.

Game playing aside, let’s start at the beginning. What are the subtle signs a woman likes you? Assuming you have just met, this may involve a few of the following:

She’ll play with her hair
Touch her neck
Look at your lips
Blushing of course
Feet facing towards to you is good
She may wish to ‘dust’ you, removing imaginary specs from your clothing or hair
Getting jealous when other women show an interest in you
Informing you all other women are evil and up to no good
But that said, as this is 2007, they might just blatantly approach you, tell you how they feel and then attempt to drag you back to their lair (I mean room).

Cunning females may get their friends to do the groundwork for them to see if you are interested in them too. This can involve the friend just sounding you out or some elaborate scheme to get you to confess ‘which girl in the group’ you are attracted to. There is no end to the games that women can play, with you as the prize!

Myself, I offer no such clues. I usually lose the plot when in the presence of someone I have a deep crush on. I can’t make eye contact, try to severely restrict all outward signs of attraction and as a result become monosyllabic, unanimated (aside from lots of twitching) and just become an unattractive bumbling jabbering mess.

It’s much easier talking to people you don’t like…don’t you find?